Tuesday 8 September 2009

M is for Moisturise...

With Winter fast approaching (did I miss Summer??) and with it the extremes of frosty weather and central heating all there to play havoc with our skin, I have decided to kick off this blog with a review of a few body moisturisers I have tried recently.
Now, I am a sucker for moisturisers and constantly want to try new ones before I have even finished those I already have which is something of a problem for my bathroom as it is overloaded with products. However, it is a bonus for you as I can write about my experiences!
First and foremost let me introduce to you...

The Body Shop Body Butter in Wild Cherry. (50ml
Now, who hasn't tried The Body Shops excellent range of Body Butters? Everyone has heard of this delicious moisturiser and for good reason. It has a very luxurious texture and excellent moisturising properties not least due to the shea butter it contains. I purchased the 50ml tub as due to my obsession, I cannot afford to splash out on the larger size. However, it has lasted very well because a little goes a long way with this product. As always, The Body Shop have produced a great product but I do find that sometimes the Body Butters can leave me feeling a little greasy. For those with very dry skin I think they will be absolutely perfect though. I was a little disappointed with the scent of this however, I was anticipating something along the line of Cherry Drops sweets and in reality the scent is very subtle. The assistant in store told me she thought it smelt like yoghurt and I am somewhat inclined to agree! I would certainly purchase this product again but I am yet to find a Body Butter scent I favour over Mango!

Johnsons Dreamy Skin Body Cream (
250ml £2.93)
I bought this on a shopping trip to Sainsburys whilst it was on special offer. It is marketed as a night moisturiser due to the inclusion of Moonflower, said to aid relaxation. The cream is a lovely lilac colour which makes a change from the usual white! The scent is delicious and I personally adore it, though I can imagine it would be too overpowering for some. It is quite a comforting scent and I am sure I can detect undertones of Johnsons Baby lotion. I have been using it as part of my night-time routine and I can honestly say I have found it to be very relaxing. I have now got to the point where I associate the aroma with going to bed - in fact, smelling it now as I write this is making me quite sleepy! It absorbs into the skin well and has a lovely smooth texture. Since my first purchase I have stocked up on a few more to keep me going as I don't think this is one I will get bored of quickly!

Hawaiian Tropic Coconut Body Butter (
200ml £8.99)
I was keen to try this body butter over the Summer as I associate the smell of coconut with Summer and who wouldn't want to prolong that holiday feeling? The packaging I find very striking due to the bright colouring though I must say it reminds me of hair gel for some reason? It is said to help prolong a suntan although any moisturiser ought to have the same effect. I found the scent fantastic initially but an hour or so after slapping on this moisturiser....hello headache! Unfortunately I found the scent completely overpowering and sadly I cannot bring myself to use this again, after a few attempts it was still causing a headache as it is so strong. The texture is really lovely and thick though so it is a shame. Those who love the scent of coconut may have better luck than me with this product but for myself, it is just too much.

Jergens Naturals Ultra Hydrating Body Moisturiser. (
200ml £4.88)
This has to be my favourite of all the mositurisers I am reviewing today. I bought it after trying a sample in a magazine and initially it was the scent which sold it to me. It is very fresh and clean smelling and I can't get enough of it! I find it absorbs very easily without being at all greasy and for my dry-normal skin type, it is perfect. It contains Jojoba oil and claims to double skin's hydration instantly. Even better is that 96% of the ingredients are natural. I took it on holiday with me and applied it to my slightly sunburnt feet (Boo to flip-flop tan lines!) and it really seemed to minimise the dreaded peeling! I am yet to try the other moisturisers in this range but am sure they will be of an equal standard. I think my next purchase from this range will have to be the Skin Firming moisturiser.

Let me know what your favourite body moisturiser is. If I haven't already tried it, I most certainly will want to!

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